Are you seeking for 'casturn systems essay'? Here you can find your answers.
Table of contents
- Casturn systems essay in 2021
- Casturn systems essay 02
- Casturn systems essay 03
- Casturn systems essay 04
- Casturn systems essay 05
- Casturn systems essay 06
- Casturn systems essay 07
- Casturn systems essay 08
Casturn systems essay in 2021

Casturn systems essay 02

Casturn systems essay 03

Casturn systems essay 04

Casturn systems essay 05

Casturn systems essay 06
Casturn systems essay 07

Casturn systems essay 08

Why do people believe in the caste system?
People say that the Lower caste people deserve and need the reservation. They need it because people treat them unequally because of the discrimination occurring through the caste system. The generals see them as lower category people, not all but many. Many people are still there who don’t believe in the caste system.
Why do Scheduled Castes get needless grades in school?
The Scheduled Caste (SCs), Schedule Tribes (STs), and the other backward classes (OBCs) needless grades than a general candidate. This is because they get a reservation and the qualifying marks or grades for them are less as compared to the required marks of a general candidate.
How are Harijans affected by the caste system?
Attempts by the Harijans for exercising the rights provided to them by the constitution have led to attacks on them by the castes that are dominant. They are beaten and also their huts are burning in the fire that is occurring by the dominant class. Moreover, they are coming under the social boycott.
Last Update: Oct 2021